
How QR Code Technology Can Make for More Effective Postcard Mailing Programs

Written by Bob Baldridge | Sep 25, 2023 4:15:27 PM

A report on the state of direct mail in 2023 found that nearly 60% of people visited a brand’s website immediately after engaging with a piece of direct mail. This means direct mailers like postcards present a unique opportunity to connect the print and digital space for a multichannel marketing approach that better resonates with your target audience — and prompts them to take a desired action. 

The challenge is making it quick and easy for your potential customers to make the jump from the postcard to the screen. Printing custom, shortened URLs on your postcard can help simplify the journey, but quick response (QR) codes can actually transport your audience to a digital destination and extend the experience of your postcard.  

Here, we’ll look at this game-changing technology from a strategic standpoint to better understand how QR codes can be used to increase the effectiveness of your postcards mailing programs.  

QR codes can help increase the response rates of your postcard programs

The name of the game in judging the effectiveness of a postcard mailing program is the response rate. Not only can high response rates result in more robust lead generation and, hopefully, increased sales, but they also help you prove the ROI of your print marketing campaigns. 

A recent report found that the average response rate for direct mail postcards is around 9%, which is significantly higher than the response rate for digital channels like email that hover around 1%. QR codes can help increase the response rate of your postcards by creating a more immersive experience with dynamic content that better engages your target audience. 

For example, printing postcards with QR codes that launch videos, website pages, or landing pages allows your audience to explore and connect with your messaging on a deeper level, and on a timeline that works better for them.  Once a QR code is scanned and a URL is opened, it’s easy for users to save that URL and visit the webpage as many times as they like. 

Plus, QR codes that launch e-commerce sites simplify and accelerate the purchasing process. Using variable data printing (VDP) to personalize your postcard goes even further in offering targeted content based on customer data. For example, you could use a customer’s purchase history to print a postcard that promotes a product that is complementary to something they’ve already purchased. Including a QR code that opens a product website page or online store further demonstrates the connection between the two products and streamlines the buying process. 

Whether your QR code opens a how-to video about your product or service or allows you to RSVP to an exclusive event like a private open house, incorporating QR codes into your postcard produces results. A recent report found nearly 40% of people are likely to scan a QR code on a piece of direct mail and take action, and that number increases to more than 50% for consumers between the ages of 18 to 34. 

Consumers like - and regularly use - QR codes

Part of the gamble when incorporating a digital component in print is whether there will be a learning curve for your audience that could act as a barrier to your audience engaging with your messaging. The good news is that QR code technology has evolved considerably in the last few years, and consumers are ready and willing to scan. 

It’s estimated that 89 million smartphone users scanned a QR code in 2022. This means integrating QR codes into your postcard mailing programs can help you increase the power of print communications by leveraging digital technology consumers are already using. 

With so many smartphone users scanning QR codes, this makes it more likely your postcard gets shared, your QR code sees more scans, and your digital content receives more views — about 80% of consumers share direct mail pieces with family or friends, especially those with special offers or coupons.  

Here are a couple examples of effective postcard mailing programs we really like which use QR codes to create a more engaging experience with the audience. 

QR codes help you better understand what your ideal customer wants and needs to hear

Response rates in postcard mailing programs may be king, but ask any marketer and they’ll tell you that you can never have enough consumer data or customer insight. This is where QR codes can provide marketers with valuable analytics about how their target audience is engaging with their postcard, and whether the content is hitting home in a way that drives response rates and a return on their investment. 

Obviously, the number of QR code scans tells you whether the content and call-to-action (CTA) of your postcard were compelling. Data points such as video views and website traffic are also key indicators of how well your print and digital messaging are aligned, and whether that messaging is valuable to your audience. If your landing page receives a large number of views from your QR code, it’s clear your content or offer is enticing enough to drive consideration.

These insights provide you with a more detailed look at the performance of your postcard programs. The best part is that, if your campaign doesn’t perform as anticipated, you can use the insights to refine your messaging and better communicate with your ideal customer. 

Partnering with a strategic print expert like Varispark can help you get the most out of your postcard mailing programs. Ready to learn more about how we can help you use dynamic elements like QR code technology to level up your next postcard? 

Tell us about your project and we’ll get started.