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How to Create High-Volume Postcard Mailers that Surprise Your Audience and Increase Response Rates

Many brands today are choosing postcards as part of their direct mail campaigns — and for good reason. Since recipients don’t have to open anything like they do with a letter — they just have to open their mailbox — you have a much better chance of consumers quickly and easily reading your message. 

But in order to catch their attention, your postcard has to stand out. With this in mind, let’s look at a couple of ways to create high-volume postcard mailers that surprise your audience, create a deeper connection with your customers, and increase response rates. 

Planning and personalization 

Sending thousands of generic postcards to a broad, unfiltered audience won’t be as cost-effective or successful as planning a targeted campaign focused on specific demographics, geographic areas, and/or consumer personas who are more likely to be interested in your offer and services. 

The use of personalization via variable data printing (VDP) helps marketers create customized print pieces, individualized for each specific recipient, on a large scale using data from the customer relationship management software (CRM) you already have. These insights can help shape the personalized copy, images, and design that hit on the messages that will best resonate with each recipient. 

Research has shown that 76% of consumers are more likely to buy from brands that send  personalized offers, 71% actually expect some form of personalization, and companies that use personalized marketing techniques see 40% more revenue than those that don’t. Showing the recipient that you understand their needs and that they’re more than just a number helps to increase brand loyalty and acquire new customers 

Make it digitally interactive

It’s estimated that more than 94 million quick response (QR) codes will be scanned in 2024, and by integrating QR codes into your postcards, you’re better able to leverage that technology in a way that your recipients are already using. With just a scan of their phone, your postcard can take them to videos, personalized landing pages, website, online stores — any digital platform you want them to experience. 

Digital integrations are also cost-effective. Once the code is scanned and a URL is opened, the analytics you already have on your website can provide insight into the ROI for each campaign. Plus, thanks to the 2024 USPS Promotions and Incentive Programs, marketers who incorporate digital integrations in their direct mail campaigns may qualify for savings on postage costs. 

Incorporating digital components like QR codes can also provide more detailed reporting and analytics to better evaluate the success of your postcard — scans, landing page visits, and video views can paint a clear picture of how your target audience responded to your mailer.  

Include unique features and finishings

Think about what you see when you pick up your mail, likely standard envelopes and letters that rarely command attention. When designing your next postcard campaign, keep in mind what the recipient will see and what will draw them in and interact. 

This can be anything from irregularly shaped, die-cut postcards, special finishings and effects like UV coating in different textures, embossing and debossing to metallic, neon or raised inks and foil stamping, which has been found to be identified 45% quicker by shoppers than those without foil.

When it comes to postcards, don’t disregard the choice of paper you use, as it’s one of the most important elements of overall design. The higher the paper quality and weight, the greater impression you can make on recipients, as they relate it to a greater perceived value and importance. And from a practical standpoint, you want to ensure that the cardstock is durable enough to withstand the inherent wear and tear.

Keep it short and sweet 

Postcards are inherently small, but that doesn’t mean you have to cram every square inch with copy. In fact, that’s the quickest way for your mail to end up in the trash. Include a compelling image that initially draws their attention, and then keep your message short, poignant, and straightforward with a strong call to action (CTA) — more on this below — that invites them to interact and find out more. The addition of a QR code is also valuable here, as you can include infinite information on whatever digital platform you drive them to when they scan. 

One way to get creative is through the use of a question. Ask it on side A, and require them to flip over to side B for the answer. If the question is clever enough — and has an image to support their interest — they’ll be compelled to flip it over, read your copy, and then potentially respond to the CTA directly below. 

Add an irresistible offer

Speaking of the CTA, your postcard is only as effective as your offer. People don’t just want to read their mail, they want to get something out of reading their mail, whether that’s a way to make a task easier, save money, or add value to their life in some way. Think of how they will perceive the offer, and how it will mean the most to them.

This can be done through an exclusive coupon that saves them money, educational content that will motivate them to learn more, or a promo code that will entice them to take action either immediately or in the future. Regardless of what you include, be sure to convey a sense of urgency and communicate it in a clear, concise way.

Ready to take your next postcard campaign to the next level? Partnering with the expert team at Varispark can help you optimize your high-volume postcard campaigns. Tell us more about your project and get started today!