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These Tips Can Help You Increase Your Direct Mail Response Rates

Be honest — how often do you hang onto a marketing email? Chances are unless it’s something really memorable or contains an incredible offer, you click “delete” and move on. 

Even in this digital age, direct mail is still an extremely effective marketing tool when used correctly. In fact, more than 76% of people trust direct mail more than other forms of marketing communication, and due to the sensory element of physically opening a piece of mail, direct mail has an average engagement rate of 95%.

Direct mail works, but the challenge for marketers is creating direct mail campaigns with the right elements to differentiate themselves from others in service of increasing response rates. The good news is that there are a handful of techniques that can help marketers create direct mailers that drive response and ROI.

The state of direct mail marketing in 2024

According to the USPS®, marketing mail revenue increased $74 million compared to Q1 of last year, and recent data shows that more than 5.6 billion pieces or marketing mail was sent in the first quarter of 2024. 

To break it down by industry, consumer mailings themselves were up by 22.4% year over year (YoY), with Q1’s top direct mailer being the mortgage/loan industry (18.8%), followed by insurance (15.2%), the credit card industry (15.1%), and finally retail (11.2%).

There was also an 8% increase in personalized direct mail, a 6% increase in envelope usage, and a 5% increase in the use of QR codes. These increases speak to the fact that consumers now expect more from direct mail in terms of interactivity, personalization, and digital integrations, and this means brands need to consider these — and other — techniques when working with a direct mail printing and mailing partner. 

How to increase your direct mail response rates

Whether it’s getting your target audience to RSVP for an upcoming event, convert on an offer, or complete a purchase, creating direct mailers with these tips and techniques in mind can help foster a deeper connection with your audience and increase the likelihood your ideal customer responds. 

Get personal

Return on investment is all about numbers, and one number sure to get your attention is 500%, which is how much you could potentially increase your direct mail response rate through the use of targeted lists and personalization.

People like to feel special, and sending 10,000 pieces of the same marketing mail to 10,000 people isn’t nearly as effective as tailoring the message with relevant information and messaging and personalized offers that connect with your target audience on a deeper level. 

With variable data printing (VDP), brands can leverage data from a customer relationship management software (CRM) to create highly targeted print pieces, individualized for each specific recipient on a large scale. Pre-set variables such as location, income, purchasing history, and more can help shape tailored messages, images, and designs that better resonate with your audience. This can be extremely valuable in increasing customer acquisition and brand loyalty. 

Don’t forget finishings 

Standard white letters with a printed address should be reserved for bills and mortgage statements. To stand out to recipients when they go through their mail, imagine what the recipient will see and what will draw them in and engage them. 

When designing for direct mail, consider incorporating embossing and debossing, die cuts, special finishings like different textures of UV coating, foil stamping, and papers of different weights. Be sure to keep the message clear and concise, but still include a compelling call-to-action. If you’re clear in your messaging, the target audience will know to take the next step, whether that’s claiming an exclusive offer or visiting your website for more information.   

Think outside the mailbox

Just because you’re sending direct mail marketing doesn’t mean you should ignore the digital piece of the puzzle. Consumers today want to be able to find what they want and need in a split second, and one way to do that is through integrating digital elements with direct mail campaigns. 

Imagine you’re sending a batch of standard postcards, which is a form of direct mail that doesn’t offer a ton of room for text. By incorporating QR codes or PURLs on each postcard, you can use exclusive digital offers, personalized landing pages, videos, or other forms of digital content to increase the interactivity of your mailer, while also providing you with various ways to track the data associated with your campaign using the analytics tools already on your website. 

Marketers who incorporate digital integrations into their direct mail marketing pieces may also be eligible to save money on postage thanks to the USPS Promotions and Incentive Programs.

At Varispark, our team of printing and mailing experts has decades of experience helping brands create and execute cost-effective, targeted direct mail campaigns that help them reach their unique audiences and achieve their marketing goals. 

Tell us more about your project and we’ll connect with you soon.